Instruction of Style or Fashion

1. Cut the back as usual with a fold at the center back A-B-C .
2. Add 1.5 cm (1/2 inch) button hole extension and 4 cm (1 1/2 inch) for turning allowance outside the center front line A-B of the front bodice.
3. Take gathers at middle part of the skirt C-E and attach this skirt below the front opening B-E of the bodices.
4. Piping may be inserted in the joint D-E-F of braid may be top stitched .
5. If stand collar is to be attached keep the neck width of the front and back, and the neck depth of the front = 1/6th neck .
6. Add 1 cm (1/4 inch) seam allowance on the both sides of D-E-F and the waist of the front bodice and skirt G-E

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